The same applies in any industry...a lot of contractors cut
corners to maximize their profits and unfortunately this leaves the customer in
a compromised position and gives the industry a bad name. This practice is very
prevalent in the thatching industry in South Africa because in the past there
has been no controlling body and the thatching specifications were left to the so-called
“specialist thatcher” (whether they were indeed a specialist or not). Slowly things are changing for the better – established in 1993 was a thatch association
in South Africa (Thatchers Associations of South Africa or "TASA") who have in
recent years set-up and strived for a standard to be laid down for the industry. All
thatching contractors are encouraged to become members of the association and then
go through a certification process (in conjunction with independent body South
African Timber Auditing Society or "SATAS") to become fully certified members.
This certification process involves a thorough examination of the whole business from
monitoring construction and thatching work physically to ensure that the
correct building and thatching specifications are being followed, to auditing
the administration side of the business. The association has driven hard to get
this process and accreditation into common practice to protect both clients and
the reputation of the industry. To find out more about this process read TASA’s
article Certification of Thatchers Association Members.
Despite this progress there are still contractors who choose not to follow the outlined specifications and regulations, to make more money. Generally these contractors attract clients by offering quotations which under-cut the more reputable contractors. Generally the structure and thatching seem fine when they are first finished but it will quickly become clear if corners have been cut as problems begin to arise. We have outlined a few of the common ways in which contractors cut corners in an attempt to cut their costs and increase their profit, unfortunately not taking the needs of the client or the reputation of the entire industry very seriously:
Despite this progress there are still contractors who choose not to follow the outlined specifications and regulations, to make more money. Generally these contractors attract clients by offering quotations which under-cut the more reputable contractors. Generally the structure and thatching seem fine when they are first finished but it will quickly become clear if corners have been cut as problems begin to arise. We have outlined a few of the common ways in which contractors cut corners in an attempt to cut their costs and increase their profit, unfortunately not taking the needs of the client or the reputation of the entire industry very seriously:
1. Contractors use poles which are under the
required thickness specification i.e., using thinner poles which initially (due
to their moisture content) are fairly strong and flexible. However, 5 years
down the road they start snapping, cracking and failing.
2. Contractors use poor quality thatch. Even the so-called high quality thatches like Cape Reed and Hyparrhenia Hirta have
substandard grades which come at a very cheap price. This thatch unfortunately
is susceptible to rapid rotting and infestation of mites. For more information
on the specifications and qualities of thatch read our article How to Choosethe Right Type of Thatch to Prolong the Life of a Thatched Roof which also
covers “Choosing Quality Hyparrhenia/Cape Reed” and reasons why not all thatch
is of the same quality.
3. Contractors thatch under the specified thickness
and do not compact the thatch adequately. In most cases (especially if a good
quality thatch has been used) this in not even noticeable to the customer until
8-10 years later when the thatch roof needs its first major maintenance and
cannot be brushed because it is too thin. This is a very common problem and is generally
due to one of two factors: i). The contractor purposefully used less thatch on
the roof which cost them less at the time and maximized their profits, ii). The
contractor subcontracted the work to an independent group of thatchers who earn
more the quicker the job is finished; this generally causes the thatchers
themselves to rush the job so that they maximize their individual profit.
4. Contractors lay the capping and do not cover it
with membrane and a quality waterproofing material. This will cause the capping
to crack as it shifts over time and constantly leak, in turn leading to high
maintenance costs for the client.
5. Contractors do not recommend the use of a fire
blanket. A fire blanket not only assists in protecting the roof from total
disaster in the case of a fire but also dramatically reduces dust in thatch
roofs (the fire blanket is not visible to the eye) – it is however an extra
expense and effort in the initial stages of the construction of the roof.
A general problem that we come across time and time again is
this… the entire roof is an accumulation of materials. If some of those
materials have a shorter lifespan than others then the whole roof and its
lifespan is compromised. For example, using the highest grade cape reed
(lifespan approx. 30 years) and stitching it with cheap tarred twine (lifespan
10 years) will mean the inability to tension and compact the roof after only 10
years. The twines will snap, the roof loses compaction and then the roof rapidly
deteriorates. This is not the only example of a conflict in different materials’
lifespan which is a very common problem to be tackled.
Having delved into the darker side of the thatching industry
it has to be said that we are not trying to put you off thatch – thatch can be
one of the most beautiful roofing materials with its flowing lines and natural
look and actually the same rules apply when choosing a contractor in any area
of the construction industry – do your homework – research your thatching
contractor and ask them questions. Are they following the TASA guidelines and
SABS thatching and building regulations? Don’t be afraid to ask the contractor questions
and ask for proof of good standing and reputation (testimonials from past
customers, images of similar completed jobs). Educated and confident clients
make good decisions and choose reputable contractors who deliver quality
structures and are a positive influence on the reputation of the thatching industry
as a whole.
Links to useful resources:
“A Guide to Good Thatching Practice” - free ebook for both
thatching contractors and the general public who would like to gain more
information of best practice in the thatching industry.
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